ABC Of Baby Photography

Babies are precious little pumpkins which deserve love and affection from the whole world. They are so cute and innocent that nobody can resist their charm. Therefore, baby photography has gained popularity as a trend as well as a profession. Earlier, photography had no separate parts and just one profession. But as time changed, there are photographers who specialize in different categories like wedding photography, wildlife photography and many more. One such is baby photography.

All the photographers are trained to handle older babies as well as newborn babies. Baby photography is quite popular as everybody wants great and good pictures of their babies. Since every person is not a born photographer and also babies are quite delicate, it has gained popularity.

Being a baby photographer is not an easy job. Since babies are delicate, small and young, it is the photographer’s duty to handle the baby with great care and patience. It can be said to be easy, but is difficult as compared to other photoshoots. There are certain things which should be kept in mind whenever conducting a baby photo shoot. Always make sure the baby is made comfortable. Since babies are young to understand many things, there are chances that they might be overwhelmed, especially newborn babies. Therefore, it is important to make the baby comfortable and happy. Give it time to be familiar with its surroundings.

The second important thing is to use props and gadgets which are safe for the baby and will cause no harm. Babies are delicate and can catch allergies quite easily. Therefore, usage of props which are safe is important. Also use safe and non-harsh lighting for the photo shoot. Try using natural light as far as possible. Also involving family for the photoshoot is always suggested. This is advisable as the shots come out more natural and it also makes the baby feel safe and comfortable with its family around.

For different concepts, you can dress them up according to different themes. You can play with backgrounds with different locations. But make sure you choose a location beforehand, especially if it is an outdoor shoot. Always shortlist more than one location for the photo shoot and pick up the best. Also visit the location beforehand to check if it is safe and also to check lighting and other stuff. Avoid using flash for the photographs and try focusing on their eyes as the eyes are the window to the soul which helps to bring out their innocence. Also interact with the baby as much as possible. This makes it easier to take candid shots. The more you interact, the better the shot is.

Set your frame according the size of the baby. The pictures should be proportionate. Along with these things, you can play with filters and use softwares like Lightroom for better quality pictures. At last, practice the hell out. Photography is something where you can only master it by practicing it. Have patience, a lot of it and practice hard. With these things kept in mind, you can ace baby photography in no time!

Satria Permadi

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