Lingerie Party – The Guide to a Perfect Party

So you want to throw a lingerie party? Lingerie parties have been popular for some time and more and more girls and guys are asking how do we throw a successful lingerie party? Well, first of all you need to decide what kind of lingerie party you want to throw. You say you didn’t know there was more than one kind?

First among lingerie parties is the party where you have either girls, or guys and girls who are asked to come to a lingerie theme party. If the party is for girls only, you will likely get girls to wear more revealing lingerie, and likely more of your invited girl guests will actually wear lingerie. So here is where the planning begins. First do you want to make the wearing of lingerie mandatory? Also is this going to be coed? These decisions have to made first as they will determine a lot of what is to come. All girl lingerie parties can be great fun, kind of like a sleep over when you were a kid, with girls wearing lingerie and the entertainment being tame or torrid. These lingerie parties can have a theme to them, such as a bachelorette/lingerie party, and this can be an excuse to buy the bride to be lingerie and other fun gifts such as gag gifts, massage products or whatever strikes your fancy. The more tightly you plan the theme, the clearer the party goers are as to what to wear, bring and expect.

A great idea is to have a theme to the bachelorette party and within it being a lingerie party, a mardi gras theme, or a costume/masquerade party within the bachelorette party. The theme of the party will suggest what kind of decorations to use, what food and drinks to serve and games you might want to play. Keeping the bride to be in mind should guide you in what gifts to buy and games to play And after all, making the bride to be the center of attention, involved or embarrassed is a large part of the reason for the party. Keep it a surprise and the anticipation by everyone who is in the know will add to the excitement. Lingerie parties don’t just have to be about lingerie, but the wearing of lingerie can create a mood of relaxation, especially if the lingerie to be worn is what the participants wear every night, with comfort being the key.

One idea for a lingerie party is to get everybody to give the hostess her sizes, and the girls pick a name out of a hat. The name you get is the person you purchase an article of lingerie to wear. You may want to set limits, or not set limits, depending on the theme. The fun really begins when each of the girls opens her “gift” and has to model the outfit. This can turn into a riot of fun as girls only may allow all the girls to feel comfortable wearing flirty or provocative lingerie. Keep in mind that this may make some girls uncomfortable, so plan accordingly.

A variation on the girl’s only lingerie party is to have it open to couples. Guys have to wear men’s lingerie also, such as boxers, wife beaters or pajamas. Again, girls need to have advance notice about this type of party as it may or may not be best to allow men to attend without a girlfriend, or wife. I suggest a couples only requirement as this allows girls to coordinate their outfits, and perhaps encouraging the couple to wear matching outfits. Of course it is up to you, but the opportunities are intriguing.

The second type of lingerie party is for the purpose of exposing your girlfriends to lingerie and you may or may not make a little money in the process. These lingerie parties are along the lines of jewelry or makeup parties, and have been around for a long time. There are companies that specialize in this type of party, but we suggest you contact a local lingerie boutique in your community and see if they are interested in a lingerie party. They may know of models, or you can “volunteer” your friends to model the lingerie items for everyone. This area of lingerie parties should include some good appetizers and light refreshments. How do you make money? You can “negotiate” with the local boutique for a percentage of the sales, as girls may choose to buy the lingerie for themselves or for a friend. The relaxed atmosphere of one’s home, combined with the ability to ask questions and learn all about a product, as well as getting to try on the items on in a very private setting encourages many girls to open their pocketbook. There are no hard and fast rules, so any variation of the two types of lingerie parties should work out just fine.

How about a lingerie party in two parts. First, head over with the girls to a local lingerie boutique and do some window shopping and perhaps shopping, if the whim strikes you. Our retail store becomes a riot when a group of girls or couples come in to look and perhaps shop. The object here is not to necessarily buy anything, but to get everyone thinking about lingerie. If this is a prelude to a bachelorette party or a wedding shower, it can be helpful before hand without the bride to be in tow. This is a great opportunity to get other girls opinions as to what to buy, what not to buy and have fun in the process. The bride to be can then be surprised with some or all of the gifts from this lingerie excursion, and the stories that came with it. This is a good way to get the party started!

Don’t forget to have a digital camera, or a couple of disposable cameras available at all times. The best idea is to give every girl a disposable camera and ask them to take as many different photos as possible. The hostess is responsible for taking the pictures in for development and posting them on the net, perhaps at Flickr. A bachelorette party , or a wedding shower is a time for the hostess to provide the keepsakes, and photographs are perfect for face book, myspace and personal albums. Keep the photos pg or r rated, depending on the situation.

Finally, after all the decorations have been hung, the food displayed, the wine uncorked and the guests have arrived, settle in and have fun!

Satria Permadi

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