Microsoft Dynamics Brazil: Implementation, Support, Processes Design

Microsoft Dynamics AX/Axapta, NAV/Navision, SL/Solomon, GP/Great Plains, CRM localization status in Brazil – highlights for Multinational corporation IT department, launching operations on the Brazilian market

Microsoft Business Solutions in Sao Paulo is in the launching mode for just localized Axapta, which tends to become new rising star among Microsoft Dynamics family of products. Navision was localized earlier and have numerous and growing number of implementations as well. Microsoft CRM is doubling user licenses number as a expansion pattern for the last three years, we see very good trend for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 expansion in Brazil. Microsoft Dynamics GP is not supported by MBS in Brazil, however you can rely on existing local partners. Also Microsoft Dynamics should be compared with its competition: Oracle E-Business Suite is traditionally strong, however it is typical for larger enterprises, plus SAP just introduced SAP Business One – and it niche is for mid-size and smaller businesses, but we also recommend SAP B1 in spoke-and-hub model, where SB1 (spoke) integrates into mySAP (hub). Let’s take a look at Microsoft Dynamics specifics:

o Future Orientation. Microsoft advertises Microsoft Dynamics as Financial, HR, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, etc. solution for your business, where the size of the business is not emphasized. At this time Microsoft Dynamics consists of several MRP applications, mentioned above. If your business is small/mid-size – in the USA you typically implement Microsoft Dynamics GP/Great Plains. In Brazil this role was played by Microsoft Navision and currently MBS is promoting AX./Microsoft Dynamics AX with some pre-settings to reduce implementation time and simplify the solution. To stick to the traditional Axapta market niche – it is for upper mid-size and large corporate clients with very strong positions in Europe, LATAM, Brazil, USA and Worldwide

o Microsoft Dynamics Technology highlights. Navision, Axapta, Great Plains have their native language and initial programming environment: C/SIDE, MorphX/X++ and Great Plains Dexterity respectively. Microsoft Dynamics (former Microsoft Project Green) moves them toward Microsoft .Net platform: Microsoft SQL Server, C#, VB.Net programming in Microsoft Visual Studio environment. At this time – .Net nature shows up in Microsoft Business Portal, plus Microsoft Dynamics CRM (future CRM front end for Microsoft Dynamics) is .Net application, utilizing Microsoft Active Directory, MS Exchange, MS Sharepoint, etc.

o Microsoft Dynamics Customization & Integration. In the Microsoft World the conception of ERP platform, open for interoperability is popular – you can consider Microsoft Dynamics as initial base for your business needs, open for customization as well as advanced and even cross-platform integration: Oracle, IBM DBII, Progress, etc.

o Localization Dilemma. Even if we are talking that specific international ERP is localized for
Brazil – some compromises should still be expected – the typical one is Payroll module. Payroll localization is typically not the first priority, due to the fact that multiple Brazilian Payroll solutions are available historically and could be integrated into ERP on the GL transactions level

o Again – Axapta. Yes, we believe that Axapta has excellent potential to be sold on its advanced three-tier architecture – it should be considered the most resent and future oriented among Microsoft Dynamics ERP product family.

Please give us a call: Alba Spectrum Group, USA/Canada: 1-866-528-0577, 1-630-961-5918, Europe: +44 20 8123 2580, +45 36 96 55 20, Mexico: 52-55-535-04027, Brazil: 55-11-3444-4949, [email protected] skype: albaspectrum

Satria Permadi

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