Photo Books: The Alternative To a Wedding Photo Album

The digital world of photography has developed the need for a new way of storing and showcasing photographs. The era where pictures were captured using the robust 35mm cameras, rolls of film and then printed to a studio in traditional albums or decorative scrapbooks, are no longer in sight. Now photography is mostly taken with DLSR cameras, point and shoot cameras and even smart phones and are then stored and shared through memory cards, flash drives, Bluetooth or online. Instead of taking a limited number of pictures at a time, thousands of pictures can be taken digitally and so, the challenge is to find a way to share and store all of these photographs. Digital pictures can be stored on a computer, on CD’s and flash drives or even the new digital picture frames, which are equally elegant and useful. There are also plenty of mediums online that let users share their pictures but there still remains a clamor for a physical format, thus, the birth of photo books.

Photo books have given a new life to digital photography. Instead of putting all these pictures in the virtual world, these images can now be printed and displayed. With the advent of so many photo editing software these days, images can now be manipulated and combined with various graphic elements and text all in a book format. Instead of browsing through tons of printed images one at a time, a photo book tells a story out of the event in a way that is user-friendly, easy to share, view and store for a lifetime.

When planning to get one for yourself, you can consider it as one of the best birthday gift ideas. It is not specific to any kind of celebration. Having photo books as gifts can be appreciated in all occasions. First, you need to go online and search for a website that offers photo book creation services. Normally, this is done through a program which automatically positions the photos to make the job easy for you. Browse through their list of templates available depending on the type of occasion. Once you’ve chosen a photo book layout and theme, you have to upload the photos you want to appear in the photo book. There are several options to upload which include memory card, flash drives or even from photo-sharing sites such as Pinterest and Flickr. You will be given the liberty to place the photos on the template. You can also make some changes in its position, depending on how you want it to look like. When all the images are in place, you will then be asked to finalize the layout and you’re done. It will be uploaded to their site and just wait for billing and receipt.

The lead time is normally within 2-3 weeks depending on the layout and number of pages. Photo books are a true important source of celebrated memories. This is the main reason most people prefer having photo books instead of the traditional photo albums that we used to love and share.

Read more info.

Satria Permadi

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The Pros and Cons of Sunday Weddings

Sun Mar 5 , 2023
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