Scrapbooking Ideas: Creativity and Inspiration Put Together

Scrapbooking can be a bit overwhelming. There are so many scrapbooking ideas on the internet and craft stores. Your mind would be loaded with so many exciting things to do that you somehow forget some important factors on how to put all these together in the most convenient way. So what exactly do you have to do to get started?

Make a Plan and Organize your Activity.

Write down notes about what theme you want to use. You can always start with your own personal theme from your birth up to what you are now. Other scrapbooking ideas would include themes about family travels, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, birthdays, office activities and other important events.

Make a list of the important things you need to start with. Your scrapbooking ideas would include photographs, scrapbook albums, colorful paper, scissors, adhesives or glue, pens, embellishments and other scrapbooking tools.

Using Something New and Old around your Home

Good ideas about scrapbooking can start right in your home. This is where creativity and inspiration come in. Look for old posters, calendars, old books and magazines which can be used as your backdrop for your scrapbook pages. You can form shapes, choose some good quotes or cut out pretty pictures from these items.

Using old clothes, fabric, curtains or embroidery can make pretty backgrounds for your pictures. Colorful ribbons, felt flower decors, old buttons, custom jewelry, colorful threads and pins as embellishments are also great ideas for your scrapbooking.

You can use old tickets, postcards, menu cards, luggage tags, hotel maps as part of scrapbooking for your travel theme. Include some pretty shells and small beautiful stones as adornments for your scrapbooking.

Get true inspirational ideas from old love letters, old recipes, old newspaper clippings, vintage clothes or jewelry to use for your family history scrapbooking. New clothes tags, strings, labeled paper bags and pretty ribbons are also good scrapbooking ideas that you can use to enhance your pages.

Create a shabby chic look for your photos. Do some light sand papering on your photos and on the scrapbook pages as well. Make your pages have a distressed or old look by carefully tearing the sides or crumpling some parts for that purpose.

Creativity is Important

Putting all these items together require you to have a good sense of creativity in you. Keep in mind to choose complementary colors for your pages. Think of happy color combinations as part of your scrapbooking and you won’t be sorry that you did.

Using colorful pens to write down some texts on the pages are great ideas for scrapbooking that you should practice. Make your photos tell a story to give inspiration to look back to those times. They make scrapbooking more personal and special for you.

You can derive inspiration about scrapbooking ideas from many sources such as the internet, craft stores, books, magazines and other scrapbooking hobbyists. It is just important to remember that these ideas for scrapbooking are there for your taking to inspire your thoughts and motivate your creativity.

Satria Permadi

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