Simple Ways to Remember Your Wedding or Honeymoon

  • Keep a simple journal of your wedding/honeymoon dates. Note important world news, current events, fads and fashion, weather etc. on your big day or other interesting news. It will be so much fun to reminisce later and recall touching memories.
  • Take pictures with reference to your location – such as write “Hawaii” in the sand and have someone photograph you or take candid photos of each other next to the Disneyland sign.
  • Reflections – take photos of each other with mirrored sunglasses or holding a mirror with the reflection showing your location. There is nothing more beautiful than capturing an intimate moment of your loved one looking content and relaxed while viewing the amazing places you have just visited.
  • Write messages to each other or save some sand or mementos in a tiny bottle. The messages can be love notes to one another and the sand or mementos are from your wedding or honeymoon location.
  • Buy disposable cameras to have guests take impromptu pictures at your wedding to be developed later. It will be lots of fun to see your big day through someone else’s eyes. This is also a fun way for your guests to take part in the big day and you never know what kind of fun photos that will turn up.
  • Have a memory jar or tree. Have guests share a fun personal story or memory of the bride or groom and place it in the jar to look at later or on the tree for all your guests to enjoy.
  • If there will be children at the wedding and reception plan some activities with them in mind. Have a candy table with tiny bags with ribbons or wedding themed colouring pages with lots of crayons. When you have children in the future you will appreciate this little touch immensely.
  • Take time to relax when you can because the day will fly by so quickly that you will look back and wonder where the time went. Also consider gifting your bridesmaids and groomsmen spa certificates in appreciation for their help with your big day. Most people could not have pulled everything together without these valuable people.
  • When possible, include grandparents in as much as possible. Their insights and wisdom are so valuable and you will look back later and be glad that they were there. They can also help you to follow old family traditions and maybe create a few new ones.

Remember that this day is about celebration and enjoyment so do your best to make it memorable and enjoyable for all those involved. And relax as much as you can.

Satria Permadi

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Spring Break Bahamas - Special Treats For Students to Revive Their Spirit

Tue Dec 5 , 2023
It is not for no reason the spring is called the princess of all seasons. It is definitely the best time of the year because the weather around this time is moderate in nature. The sun is not too harsh and the sky in the evenings is a rich dark […]
Spring Break Bahamas – Special Treats For Students to Revive Their Spirit

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