1. Does your blog idea have a minimum potential of 30k visitors per month?
Average sales conversions on the internet range from one to five percent. This is the the most important reason for researching the minimum search volume of your own blog idea. If you make 90% of your money from 5% of your customers, then you need at least enough traffic to build a viable blog. You won’t make much money if you are selling $5 products and your sales conversion rate is 1%.
2. Can the blog generate multiple streams of income from e-books, services, products, memberships etc…?
In the old economy, companies were mostly product centric. In the information age, businesses are customer centric. You can follow the same customer through a number of life phases and events. For example, you can build different products to service one customer from proms to weddings. When you build a blog, you’ll want to offer different services and products to your audience. Building a blog isn’t about the products, its about the audience.
3. Are you picking realistic keywords to target for search engine rankings?
Now days, keywords can be so competitive, it would take an army of internet marketers in the trenches to achieve worthwhile rankings. In order to catch up with the competition, you would have needed to start blogging years ago. However, there are shortcut methods that can be used to achieve rankings faster and the search engines love white hat shortcuts. Whether you know the shortcuts, try and find the lowest hanging fruit. Don’t overreach for the impossible. Sure, go after your dreams, just work your way there, step by step. When you start your first blog, aim for a blog keyword niche that ranges from 40%-55% in difficulty.
4. Is there residual income opportunity from your blog?
Some blogs which promote one time products still make money because the product sale price is a lot higher than the average of the market. Don’t be average. Your blog won’t have access to the resources of industrial age corporate giants. You can’t compete on volume. If you are going to sell a one-time product, make sure its profitable. Otherwise, you need to focus on residual income products. All of it really boils down to the lifetime value of the reader. You can accomplish higher lifetime values either through higher end products or service products that produce residuals. You want your readers to want to marry you. The same strategy applies to your content. Your blog posts need to be high quality. Its better to write quality blog posts for your readers than a lot of blog posts.
5. How passionate am I about blogging the subject?
Sometimes you’ve got to strike out with a few duds before you start blogging to the bank. A lot of blogs fail because the writer gives up too soon. It so happens that the personality that most writers are, has a tendency not to follow through on projects. Creativity comes in bursts. There are tools you can use to schedule that creativity out over time and keep it flowing. A professional blogger finds a groove and keeps sawing out their niche day after day. Setting milestones that measure results will motivate you along the journey. Passion, love and anger, will take you from one step to the next. Once you start reaching milestones, it becomes quite addicting. Examples of great milestones are a certain number of new readers, rankings for keywords and traffic goals.